Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Conduct of Research Committee has new website

The Conduct of Research Committee has a new website. The site will be used for Committee business, notices, agendas and minutes, and as a central repository for activities and documents related to the Goal Teams.

On a personal note

This is Lisa Pogue, co-chair of the committee. Just wanted to let folks know that I am now working as information specialist at the Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute. I am still settling in but I'm already blogging on our intranet. --- lisa

Call for poster presentations

On behalf of the TRB Library and Information Science in Transportation Committee, I am sending you this "Call for Poster Proposals." We would like to request that you forward this call for proposals to the TRB Technology Transfer Committee membership. Thank you.
TRB 90th Annual Meeting, January 23-27, 2011 - Call for Poster Proposals

Call Title
Search, Discovery and Current Awareness: New and Innovative Uses of Online Research Tools in Transportation Research and Implementation

Sponsoring Committee
ABG40 Committee on Library and Information Science for Transportation (LIST)

Call Description
The Committee on Library and Information Science for Transportation invites you to submit proposals for a poster session focusing on new and innovative uses of practical online search, discovery and current awareness tools that can give modern transportation professionals a competitive edge. Posters will be displayed at the TRB Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, January 2011.

Extending a theme begun with LIST’s 2006 presentation session on wikis, blogs, RSS and podcasting, and continued in 2007, 2008, and 2009 with LIST sessions on the application of Web 2.0 social media technologies, the committee is issuing a call for posters related to new and innovative uses of online research tools as they relate to search, discovery and current awareness in transportation. This poster session is designed to complement this year’s LIST-sponsored workshop titled “The Right Tool for the Job: Search, Discovery and Current Awareness Tools, Tips and Tricks for Busy Transportation Professionals.” While the workshop will provide a high-level overview and will focus specifically on TRB and Google tools and ways they can be used to find high-quality transportation information, the poster session will allow presenters to explore specific tools and specific techniques in great depth. This poster session is not limited to TRB and Google tools.

The poster session will focus on new and innovative uses of tools and techniques that can be used by transportation professionals to save time and improve the work effectiveness of professionals who must quickly search for, find and ultimately make decisions based on reliable information. Posters will showcase successful efforts, programs or initiatives by individuals or agencies. The poster session will highlight methods, tools, technologies and techniques that TRB attendees could put to work immediately to improve the ways they search for, find, organize and use transportation research, information and data. Examples could include but are not limited to automated current awareness tools and techniques, Web 2.0 tools or techniques for professional collaboration, information or data visualization tools, open-source applications, push/pull or other feed technologies, and technologies that automate or syndicate the information search and retrieval process. The audience for this session is broad, including all transportation stakeholders: state DOT practitioners and decision makers, universities, and practitioners or consultants interested in recent advances in the delivery of information to save time and improve the quality of transportation research and practice. Please review TRB's guidelines for poster presenters at http://www.trb.org/Guidelines/PosterPresenters.pdf.

(Note: A paper is not required for this session, an exception being extended for this call by TRB). Files and information from the poster session will be posted on the LIST committee Web site (http://sites.google.com/site/trblist) .

Current Awareness Tools – Web-based applications designed to alert users to new/modified content from Web page changes, search engine results, or news or other sources. Such tools can typically be personalized or tailored to meet the interest profile of a specific individual or group. Examples could include: RSS, e-mail alerts, or table-of-contents delivery services.

Discovery Tools– Applications or embedded functionality that helps users refine searches or make additional search decisions related to content including, evaluating or browsing. Examples include: Corrective spelling, pattern matching, faceting, visualizing search results, or other techniques for effectively refining searches.
Search Tools – Web-based applications used to search for and aggregate relevant content. Includes search engines, Web portals, online databases, and online catalogs and indexes.

Web 2.0 Tools – Web-based applications that facilitate interactive information sharing among multiple users, interoperability, user-centered design and professional collaboration.

About LIST
The Library and Information Science for Transportation Committee (ABG40) serves as a forum for transportation librarians and the transportation research community on developments in information science and their applicability to transportation. The committee facilitates diffusion of national library and information science innovations throughout the transportation community by monitoring the use of new resources and tools in the transportation arena, defining critical research and training issues relating to their implementation, and promoting the benefits of these capabilities.

Call Organizer
Jennifer Boteler (Jennifer.Boteler.CTR@dot.gov), (202) 493-3071

We will accept poster proposal ideas submitted by or on behalf of government or education agencies. Please submit an abstract (500 word limit) with enough detail to review your proposal to review committee chair Jennifer Boteler (Jennifer.Boteler.CTR@dot.gov)

We will convene a working group of reviewers to judge submissions and notify those selected in late September. We require an abstract for each poster selected. Those selected must present in person at TRB, however, partnering with colleagues is encouraged.

Submit your poster proposals no later than Friday, September 10, 2010 by sending them to: Jennifer Boteler (Jennifer.Boteler.CTR@dot.gov), (202) 493-3071