Thursday, April 30, 2009

Committee strategic plan for YOUR comments

A sub-committee headed by Larry Orcutt has been taking a look at what the committee's purpose and goals. Now we need your comments and suggestions, especially on how to implement the new plan. See the comments link below? Click on it and start commenting!

Mission Statement
Locate, develop and promote innovative means of deploying technologies and processes, quickly moving them from state-of-the-art to state-of-the-practice.
Accelerate innovation implementation using technology transfer strategies

Goals & Strategies
The following goals and strategies establish a basic framework that will support the mission and vision of the Technology Transfer committee. We will continually build upon this structure by updating these goals in response to the changing needs of those we serve. Each team responsible for leading the development and implementation of the goals is charged with detailing the specific strategies and corresponding performance measures appropriate for accomplishing those goals.

Objective - Make other committees/groups aware of technology transfer processes and assist them in applying them
  • Strategy - Educate the TRB community by sponsoring annual meeting sessions, Webinars and other opportunities
  • Strategy - Support and promote the NHI training course, “Leap not Creep: Accelerating Innovation Implementation”
  • Strategy - Investigate the effects, application, and future potentials for intellectual property rights in the U.S. and abroad
Objective - Strengthen liaisons to other TRB committees, affiliated groups (TIG, LTAP, Highways for Life)
  • Strategy - Develop list of potential committees/groups involved in technology transfer
  • Strategy - Network with other committees/groups by inviting them to speak at our meetings/sessions
  • Strategy - Network with other committees/groups by speaking at their meetings/sessions
  • Strategy - Support international scan implementation
Objective - Develop plans/projects to address committees’ needs
Objective - Serve as a resource for TRB on technology transfer
  • Strategy - Provide expertise on technology transfer to TRB
  • Strategy - Provide input on technology transfer to TRB research
Objective - Develop a definition of technology transfer
Objective - Utilize communication strategies that deliver appropriate information to TRB and other members of the research community on the value of technology transfer
  • Strategy - Develop a list of target audiences and communication strategies
Objective - Advance research into best practices for technology transfer methods appropriate for target audience(s)
  • Strategy-Document innovation case studies that have overcome barriers and utilized boosters to accelerate innovation implementation
Objective - Serve as a test bed to use and evaluate new T2 methods and effectively share results with TRB community
  • Strategy - Establish and maintain a committee Wiki, blog and social networking.
  • Strategy - Sponsor annual meeting sessions/Webinars on new T2 technologies
  • Strategy - Explore new methods such as podcasts, RSS feeds, and Web 2.0 technologies
Objective - Maintain the health of the committee by identifying a diverse membership stream and by providing training and mentoring opportunities designed to enhance the committee’s efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Strategy - Fill vacant member slots based on objective of balance
  • Strategy - Develop briefing guide for new members
  • Strategy - Develop mentor program for new members

Call for TRB papers - get yout social networking on

Several TRB committees (including Conduct of Research, Technology Transfer, and LIST) are collaborating on a call for TRB papers related to social networking technologies. Here’s an overview:

How Social Networking Advances Research, Technology Transfer and Information Exchange – There has been a rapid change in technology used by individuals and groups to communicate electronically. Social networks may be defined as participants drawn together based on a common element or interest. Differences from past networks and other forms of electronic content include the speed, scale, structure and extent of communication within the network. Many of these technologies can provide new methods to coalesce and engage communities on research questions, technology application and sharing information across traditional organizational and disciplinary boundaries. It could include the use of social networking from the building of virtual research centers to improving communication of research results. What are examples of using social networks in transportation research from the identification of research needs through the transfer and sharing of knowledge? What are benefits and barriers to the use of social networks?

August 1 is the deadline for paper submissions, so get researching and writing.

Paper submission site

While you're thinking about social networking search for the T2 Committee on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Monday, April 20, 2009

News from TRB

TRB to emphasize communications
Effective communications have always been an important part of the success of TRB standing committees. With travel budgets being cut, robust communications portfolios are more important than ever. During 2009 each committee has been asked to review its communications portfolio during 2009. The T2 Committee will take a look at how we communicate, what works and what doesn’t, and what new communications we should include in our committee’s portfolio. Any volunteers?

TRB will be giving each committee chairs the opportunity to appoint a communications coordinator to work with TRB staff and other committees to enhance the communications portfolios. Committees with exceptional use of new technologies/communications will be identified and asked to document their "tools" and to share best practices with other committees. If you are interested in serving as communications coordinator or on the committee let the co-chairs know.

2010 TRB Annual Meeting planning underway

The spotlight theme for the 2010 Annual Meeting is “Investing in Our Transportation Future - BOLD Ideas to Meet BIG Challenges.”

Addressing critical and cross-cutting issues

The TRB Technical Activities Council (TAC) requests that TRB committees give increased emphasis to the TAC "Critical and Cross Cutting Issues," by spending at least one hour each year discussing the Critical and Cross Cutting Issues and/or your own list of critical issues.

By spending some time on these high level issues, we hope to heighten our awareness of high level issues and ensure that awareness is infused in the work of the TAC, committees, sections, and groups. (FYI – The T2 Committee is within the Policy and Organization Group and the Research and Education Section.)

See our request for critical and cross-cutting issues in a previous blog. Also, check out teh discussion in LinkedIn. Are you interested in critical issues? Volunteer to lead our effort to get more of our issues into the system.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The science of change

Time magazine recently ran an article, "How Obama is using the science of change,"on how the Obama administration is using many of the principles of behavioral science to effect change. Many of the guidelines would also apply to technology transfer, which is, of course, also about change. Interesting read!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Mark your calendars for the T2 Committee's summer meeting

The T2 and Conduct of Research Committees will once again get together this summer at the TRB Keck Center in Washington, DC June 16-17th. One joint focus will be intellectual property and technology transfer. There will also be time to discuss our new strategic plan and plot what we'll be doing for the next year as well as time to connect with our colleagues from Conduct of Research.