Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday at TRB off to a great start

Sunday at TRB was chock full of great T2 events. My day started off at the Everything You Need to Know about Web 2.0: Using Communication and Collaboration to Improve Transportation” workshop. I caught Andrew Krzmarzick from GovLoop is a social network for government (all kinds). Check out the Transportation 2.0 group. They’ve got discussions as well as information from TRB.

Georgene Geary from GeorgiaDOT related some very practical information about implementing Web 2.0 in a state DOT. Kendra Levine shared her site with us. Check it out for some really fascinating uses of Web 2.0 technology.

Then it was off to the Shoreham for Communicating the Value of Research and Accelerating Innovation for Transportation Professionals. T2 Committee Larry Orcutt organized this session and brought together the experts in communications and innovation. The workshop was centered around two new efforts – NCHRP Project 20-78 “Communicating the Value of Research Training” and the National Highway Institute course, “Leap not Creep: Accelerating Innovation Implementation.” Speakers included committee members Ann Overton and Rukhsana Kahn Lindsey.

Unfortunately I had to leave right when the discussion was getting lively to attend the new and young attendees welcome session. If you want to get energized about transportation and TRB, just spend a few minutes with these folks. The crowd was mostly young and international and they were eager to learn about TRB. As you go about your day at TRB, be sure to say hi to attendees with a while new attendee badge and welcome them yourself.

My day ended with an overview of what’s happening in the exhibit hall. It seems like every year there are more and more exhibits. After hitting the highlights and seeing old friends, I’ll have to get back.

I hope to see all the T2 fans at the committee meeting on Tuesday. --- lisa

1 comment:

Andrew Krzmarzick said...
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