Dick Hanneman is President of the Salt Institute, the Alexandria, Virginia-based international trade association representing companies producing salt throughout North America and the world. The Institute advocates salt industry policy on such issues as highway traffic safety, human health and nutrition, and worker safety.
He has served as President of the Salt Institute since 1987. Previously, Dick directed government and public affairs and membership development for an international environmental industry association, served two Congressmen on Capitol Hill and as a staff assistant to the Governor of his home state of Wisconsin. Part of his time in graduate school was at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
In the transportation area, Dick represents the salt industry on the Board of Directors of the American Highway Users Alliance and on the Advisory Council of the Roadway Safety Foundation. He is a member of the Transportation Research Board’s Winter Maintenance Committee, Technology Transfer Committee and Corrosion Committee and served on the National Academy of Sciences’ Strategic Highway Research Program Highway Operations Advisory Committee. He also serves on the Transportation Association of Canada’s Maintenance and Construction Committee, its Environment Council and on the TAC committee that produced a Salt Management Guide and its Syntheses of Best Management Practices. His leadership helped forge a partnership between the Salt Institute and the National LTAP Association to promote improved winter maintenance training. He is a “friend” of the APWA Winter Maintenance Sub-committee.
Dick speaks frequently and has published articles in such diverse journals as Public Works magazine, Water Conditioning & Purification magazine, and the British Medical Journal.
Dick responded to where he thinks the committee should be going with, "I believe the TRB T2 Committee can render valuable service by helping other TRB Committees understand the principles of technology transfer and training that will enable them to 'market' their findings, conclusions, syntheses of practice, etc. and help users of this information understand both how it can be used for their operations and how to quantify the benefits of their offerings. Part of this task is to help providers of such technology transfer and training initiatives (e.g. LTAP centers) to understand their role in identifying customer needs and marketing to them."