Friday, May 22, 2009

The future of conferences?

This is a great "podcast" of a radio program, Future Tense, from Australia. In it three conferencing professionals explore conferences past and future and the way the industry is adapting to meet changing consumer expectations. Are conferences still synonymous with bad food, hard chairs and boring speakers. Is "sage on the stage" still the model for providing education? Do we really get the most from networking opportunities at conferences? And, what does the current economic climate mean for the way we plan and execute conferences?

The speakers compare the current climate for conferences to recent changes in the music business, which has dealt with changes in technology, financing and sharing of products. The speakers discuss:
  • bar camps, world cafes, open space and unconferences as models
  • the use of technology, such as Twitter, to create interaction and education
  • the importance of building a sense of community before, during and after a conference.
Lots to think about. Have a listen.

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