Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Twittering in all sorts of places

A recent article in Time, "Twittering in Church, with the Pastor's O.K," discussed several congregations' use of Twitter during services. Pastors trained congregants to use Twitter, upped the bandwidth at their churches, and encouraged those attending services to react in 140 characters or less to what was going on in the service. At one church the Twitter feed was displayed behind the preacher. Tweets ranged from the silly to the sublime. Often pastors would follow up with church goers after services when they asked questions or wanted help.

Adults usually learn better when they reflect on what they have learned or they are able to use the knowledge being taught immediately in their job, or their lives. Tweeting their reactions to a sermon can serve that purpose. Instructors, or pastors, can also get immediate feedback on what participants are learning or not learning. They can also follow up with individuals or in future instructional sessions.
Got thought? Comment below or tweet me at @ lhpogue.

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